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Allison Barclay

Temecula School Board member representing Trustee Area 1

Dedicated to TVUSD’s mission:
“We Elevate Experiences, Opportunities, and Each Other”

Cast your vote for:

  • Student Achievement
  • Experience and Professionalism
  • Trust and Transparency
  • Financial Accountability


“Let’s work together to keep politics out of the board room. Join me in focusing on real issues for TVUSD students: safety and learning.”

-Allison Barclay

What Do Our Schools Need?

Student Achievement

Experience and Professionalism

Trust and Transparency

Financial Accountability

Student Achievement

  • Secure, flourishing learning environment where all students can learn and achieve
  • Tools, skills, and knowledge for success in college or career
  • Parents and teachers who work together for our children’s future


Experience and Professionalism

  • Experienced leaders who exemplify respect, consideration, and kindness
  • Collaboration among board members and district staff
  • Laser focus on real issues affecting TVUSD students—no politics


Trust and Transparency

  • Trustees who take the time to learn and listen before making decisions
  • No “back room decision-making” or misleading social media posts
  • Honest, open discussion and decisions in front of the community


Financial Accountability

  • Trustees experienced in managing a multimillion dollar budget
  • Close work between board members and fiscal staff to understand funding, budgeting, and financial reports
  • Fiscally sound decisions that maximize student safety and learning

About Allison

Allison is the voice of reason on the current TVUSD School Board.
She puts student learning first and works to keep politics out.

Allison’s budgeting and financial expertise come from years of experience as CEO of Boys and Girls Clubs of North County.

Her work on the School Board has positioned TVUSD to weather state funding decreases without layoffs or program cuts.

Re-elect Allison Barclay for TVUSD Trustee Area 1


Allison Around TVUSD